CIBC picks up Costco credit card business | Page 6 | Credit card reward programs | Discussion forum

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CIBC picks up Costco credit card business
June 6, 2022
7:31 pm
Forum Posts: 6922
Member Since:
April 6, 2013
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maxb said
Tried to go thru process of getting my new CIBC Costco creditcard automatically paid from EQBank.. Looks like there are about 100 other banks on the list, but not EQBank !!!!

Would Equitable Bank (institution #623) be on the list?

EQ Bank is a marketing brand and not the legal name of a bank.

March 23, 2023
7:03 pm
Forum Posts: 129
Member Since:
May 21, 2016
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Has anyone been able to confirm if they receive 2% cashback for Costco membership renewals online?

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