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New GIC rates at Coast Capital
May 12, 2022
7:03 pm
Victoria, BC
Forum Posts: 478
Member Since:
May 28, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Got this in an email from Coast Capital:
Earn 2.10% with our 1 Year Better Than Cash® GIC.
As inflation continues to climb, we know that Canadians are struggling to make their savings last while planning for the future. That’s why we’re offering you the opportunity to earn 2.10% on your savings with our 1 Year Better Than Cash® GIC.

It’s got a great rate of return and the option to withdraw your funds after 6 months, so you can save for the future and stay ready for short term needs. Get yours online today.

Prefer a longer-term solution for a higher return? Explore our other featured offers
15 Month Non-Redeemable GIC at 2.80%
3 Year Rising Rate GIC at 2.50% (Year 1); 2.55% (Year 2); 4.00% (Year 3)

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