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March 5, 2008
9:39 am

This bank does not accept Quebec residents...PC Financial doesn't either. I have tried to call and ask why - but they have left me on hold for too long.

Does anybody have any clue why Quebec money isn't accepted?

March 5, 2008
9:50 am

And now that I finally got through to them, some woman yelled at me for calling. Apparently the are the CITIZENS BANK OF AMERICA AND I CAN'T HELP YOU!!! And she has no idea who the Citizens Bank of Canada are.

March 5, 2008
12:31 pm
Forum Posts: 1405
Member Since:
May 15, 2007
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From searching their FAQs (from it says:

Citizens Bank members can access our banking services while in Quebec (e.g. online banking, ATM network). Conducting business in Quebec requires us to provide documentation and services in the French language. At this time, these costs are prohibitive and therefore we are unable to initiate new accounts in Quebec.

Do I smell a job opportunity for a bilingual Canadian?

March 5, 2008
3:49 pm

It's more than just the French language requirement. Banks have to pay an army of lawyers big bucks to make sure that banking services are offered in accordance with Quebec's Civil Law system. This includes drafting a whole new set of "small print documents" that banking customers get (but never read). For a lot of the smaller banks, the cost to do this (plus the cost to translate everything into French and hire French-speaking staff) far outweighs the expected profits from Quebec customers.

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