TFSA & RRSP special 1.50% rate on new money from Nov 16, 2020 to Mar 31, 2021 | CIBC | Discussion forum

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TFSA & RRSP special 1.50% rate on new money from Nov 16, 2020 to Mar 31, 2021
November 17, 2020
10:54 am
Forum Posts: 1209
Member Since:
September 30, 2017
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Good to know - Grow your money with a special 1.50% interest rate

... On a different note, is it true that cash transfer is *no fee* from IE SD-RSP to CIBC RRSP DISA ? I am also planning to make a HBP withdraw in 2021 sf-smile

November 17, 2020
12:45 pm
Forum Posts: 452
Member Since:
September 6, 2020
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

JMTCW. RSP HBP withdrawal next year. Pay the minimum back yearly to start. You can make extra payments on mortgage, until mortgage is a comfortable size. Different people will offer different solutions.

Have a Great Day

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