Add CTF to Hubert as external account | Canadian Tire | Discussion forum

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Add CTF to Hubert as external account
November 19, 2014
3:09 pm
Forum Posts: 24
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October 20, 2014
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Does anyone ever add CTF to another online banking as "external account" so you can transfer money in/out? I called CTF to get their Bank ID and Transit # but the person told me that their bank can only be connected to a chequing account from their end. Does that mean I can't add CTF to Hubert to transfer money directly? Thanks.

November 19, 2014
8:14 pm
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I guess few people use CTF. Since you have Hubert already, it makes sense to close CTF.

November 19, 2014
10:44 pm
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Edit: please ignore this comment! I was referring to Canadian Direct Financial (CDF) not Canadian Tire Financial

That might be true if you just have CTF savings account. However, you should be able to create a CTF chequing account, which has no fees. I'm not sure why they didn't suggest that.

November 20, 2014
3:06 am
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I think they were referring to the fact that they require a cheque from an account to set up an external link in their system (ING used to be like this). There should be no problem in linking to your Canadian Tire account from Hubert, but you will need the bank/branch (transit) numbers and the full account number.

I haven't had a CT account in a long time, but I know I had it hooked into Ally, and I think Hubert. CT's bank number is 338. I believe the branch number would be 00012, but I don't seem to have my old info handy. CT should be able to confirm this.

Peter said

That might be true if you just have CTF savings account. However, you should be able to create a CTF chequing account, which has no fees. I'm not sure why they didn't suggest that.

Does Canadian Tire have chequing accounts? Canadian Direct Financial (CDF), perhaps, but I didn't think CT/CTF/CTB. I think this Peter fellow needs to do some research on HISA accounts... :)

November 20, 2014
7:42 am
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NorthernRaven said

Peter said

That might be true if you just have CTF savings account. However, you should be able to create a CTF chequing account, which has no fees. I'm not sure why they didn't suggest that.

Does Canadian Tire have chequing accounts? Canadian Direct Financial (CDF), perhaps, but I didn't think CT/CTF/CTB. I think this Peter fellow needs to do some research on HISA accounts... :)

Wow, that was stupid of me. Sorry for confusing the issue. I was definitely referring to Canadian Direct Financial. Looking back, it is very obvious that this is about Canadian Tire -- it's also in the Canadian Tire forum! Anyway, sorry again and please ignore my first comment!

November 20, 2014
2:31 pm
British Columbia, Canada
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Rose said

Does anyone ever add CTF to another online banking as "external account" so you can transfer money in/out? I called CTF to get their Bank ID and Transit # but the person told me that their bank can only be connected to a chequing account from their end. Does that mean I can't add CTF to Hubert to transfer money directly? Thanks.

That may be true from their end (they may only want to accept VOID cheques and not direct deposit forms, for example), but if they accept/process pre-authorized/direct debits/credits, then you should be able to link your Canadian Tire Bank savings account at your other financial institution.

The institution number is indeed "338" and the transit looks like "00012," but based on the fact they have multiple transits, I can't be 100% certain. Instead, I would just phone/e-mail them and demand (in a nice way) they provide the branch transit number assigned to your account(s). If they still refuse, you could escalate a formal complaint, but to my mind, they're uncompetitive on rates, service, availability, feature set, the gamut, so I'd just take that opportunity to close my CTB account.

Also, I've linked to the Canadian Payments Association Financial Institutions Branch Directory for Banks for easy reference. (Sorry, Peter, I don't like those sites that like 'canadian-routing-info' that seem to scrape together publicly-available data from other sources and fill up their auto-generated websites with ads - it's disgusting and worse than domain squatting in my opinion, so I don't want to link to them.)


November 20, 2014
9:01 pm
Forum Posts: 24
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October 20, 2014
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Hi everyone,

You were right, their Bank ID is 338 but their Transit # is 01012. I was able to obtain the numbers before the person on the phone asked me why I need them. After telling her I want to connect to another online bank then at that point she told me their bank doesn't work that way. Maybe she was afraid I am going to transfer the money out so she tried to discourage me. Anyway, I'm going to set it up to Hubert then do a transfer. Will let you know how it turns out.

By the way, I opened the account with CTF before I found out this website. Had I known earlier then it would not have happened.

November 27, 2014
8:10 pm
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Finally I received a message from Hubert letting me know that they can't transfer the money to CTF in order to verify the external account. So they were right about connecting to other banks from their end only and not the other way around. I would like to hear from anyone who had done this before. Thanks.

November 28, 2014
1:57 am
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I've long since deleted my CT info at Hubert, and can't seem to find a record of the transit number. But a statement back from early 2012 shows a last transfer into my Hubert account from Canadian Tire Bank, so it was working then.

I suppose it is possible that Canadian Tire is blocking deposits from any source not explicitly linked to an account, but that would seem semi-bizarre. I'd check that the transit # (and account#) was correct.

Is there any reason to actually have the CT account? There doesn't seem to be much there you can't get somewhere else, at higher interest rates.

November 28, 2014
2:15 pm
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October 20, 2014
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Hi NorthernRaven,

I verified the account # over and over again so I don't think a mistake was made. The transit # had to be correct because when I entered the number, Hubert knew it was CTF.

I was hoping to do a direct transfer from CTF to Hubert so the account can be closed. Now only way it can be done is to transfer the money back to my branch (CIBC) then transfer it over to Hubert later (didn't want to do this loop in the first place).

November 28, 2014
2:52 pm
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I just confirmed with Hubert that the branch number for my old CT account link was "1012", i.e. 01012, what you used. I suppose it is possible that Hubert could screw up if you do/don't use the leading 0, although that would be goofy. It knows it is Canadian Tire from the "338", but would do no checking on the branch number 01012.

If you are just closing the CT account, live with the extra couple of days for the intermediate CIBC transfer in the middle.

November 1, 2020
10:23 pm
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I tried 01012 but it doesn't work.
Does anyone know the updated institution and transit numbers for CTF?

November 2, 2020
5:59 am
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April 3, 2013
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I am able to push money to CTFS from hubert. My CTFS account number is listed on hubert as 170100xxxxxx. As far as I know bank id is 308 and transit no. is 1012.

Hope this helps.

November 2, 2020
11:03 am
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alfa2204 said
I tried 01012 but it doesn't work.
Does anyone know the updated institution and transit numbers for CTF?  

I'm confused. CDF has been Motive since about 2016. Here are the CTF (Canadian Tire???) numbers

November 2, 2020
12:54 pm
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user82yz said
I am able to push money to CTFS from hubert. My CTFS account number is listed on hubert as 170100xxxxxx. As far as I know bank id is 308 and transit no. is 1012.

Hope this helps.  

Thank you very much. I'll try adding 170100 to account number.

Rick said
I'm confused. CDF has been Motive since about 2016. Here are the CTF (Canadian Tire???) numbers

Thanks. That's what confuses me, too. Googling returns 3 different transit numbers for CTF.

December 9, 2020
9:05 pm
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October 10, 2017
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I have just opened an account at CT, and after snail mailing my void cheque to them, I have linked it to my Tangerine chequing. I can't find the CT transit/institution number either so I can push/pull from Tangerine. I will try the info you list here.

A week ago, I phoned them to ask for a form for pre-authorized debit. Their person kept saying incredulously, there isn't one because you have a *savings* account. (But, at Tangerine, I set up auto transfers FROM my savings account to elsewhere). And, I just tried to transfer money from Tangerine to CT but 2 days later, I got a notice that it was rejected. No explanation was given (I suspect I went over some daily limit, but again, I can't find the info on CT site, and its after hours. Dang, they expect me to find that little pamphlet they sent I guess). So I am getting the impression CT has a VERY limited ability.

December 10, 2020
3:43 am
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FYI pushing money NEVER has a limit at the receiving end. Think of it as depositing a cheque. There is no limit. So if you were able to initiate the send from Tangerine it means the rejection is for some other reason, most likely mismatch transit/account info.

December 10, 2020
12:09 pm
British Columbia
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I know what you mean about the "snail mail". I did my application on the 13th of November, received the paper work by mail from Canadian Tire on the 27th, sent signed form and cheque on the 27th as well and here it is the 10th of December and still nothing. I called them today and their mail room still hasn't received my cheque. Hopefully by Christmas I'll have an account set up with them!!

Also made on-line application with Wealth One today. I'll see how that works out. On the "employment drop down" there is no option to say retired so just put my former employment of so many years ago. They have 5yr GIC term at 1.9% .... so maybe some there. sf-frown

Really hate locking in everything in GICs right now. So having to have a lot of HISA's.

December 10, 2020
3:35 pm
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smayer97 said
FYI pushing money NEVER has a limit at the receiving end. Think of it as depositing a cheque. There is no limit. So if you were able to initiate the send from Tangerine it means the rejection is for some other reason, most likely mismatch transit/account info.  

To my best knowledge, PUSHING money from FI A to B has no limit at receiving end (B). BUT it might have limit at sending end (A). Usually it is 50K. For anything more, you have to talk to live person to authorize it.
It is different when PULLING from B to A - if initiated at A. There is No limit... BUT, if you are PUSHING from B to A, above applies (50K, etc.).

You want to transfer 100K from Hubert to Tangerine. You are logged in at Hubert. You will not be able to do that unless you talk to live person to authorize this 100K transfer. I believe they have limit of 50K per day or similar.
BUT, if you are logged in at Tangerine and you initiate transfer from Hubert of 100K, there will be no issues. Next day you will see 100K at your Tang account and day after 100K will be deducted from your Hubert account.
This is my experience, your mileage might vary...

December 10, 2020
7:51 pm
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yesmath said

A week ago, I phoned them to ask for a form for pre-authorized debit. Their person kept saying incredulously, there isn't one because you have a *savings* account. (But, at Tangerine, I set up auto transfers FROM my savings account to elsewhere). And, I just tried to transfer money from Tangerine to CT but 2 days later, I got a notice that it was rejected. No explanation was given…

Ask if the Canadian Tire Bank savings account has a direct deposit information form instead. sf-laugh

The info would be the same. But, one still has to be cautious. It is possible for a financial institution to accept direct deposits for an account but reject pre-authorized debits for the same account. That could result in a returned item fee at the originating financial institution.

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