8:36 am
December 20, 2016

11:17 am
January 18, 2018

3:34 pm
December 18, 2008

3:39 am
December 18, 2008

GR said
Effective Jan 24, 2018, Alterna's E-savings account rate will be 2.05% and their TFSA rate will be 2.10%. Both rates will have no time limits. This information was provided by a customer service rep by phone.
Logged in this morning and saw this to be true. 🙂
They haven't updated the main page yet, but I am sure that will be once they open this morning
6:18 am
December 20, 2016

SG said
Logged in this morning and saw this to be true. 🙂
They haven't updated the main page yet, but I am sure that will be once they open this morning
I did not see any rate increase on logging into my account this morning. Where was the updated rate displayed?
Edit: telephoned Alterna; CSR confirmed E-Svgs rate increase but website not updated yet.
Confirmed online today on Cannex as well Globe Investor
8:22 am
April 6, 2013

After logging in, click My Accounts. There will be a list of all of your accounts. Click on the eSavings account to show its account activity. To the right of Current Balance, there is a Current Interest Rate field.
Updated banner with the 2.05% rate is now visible on their High Interest eSavings product page.
Please write your comments in the forum.