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Achieva Interest Rate Update
August 1, 2018
5:53 pm
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GR said

All savings account rates increased to 2.15% p.a.  

August 2, 2018
1:55 pm
Forum Posts: 290
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December 1, 2016
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Top It Up said

This is great, but Hubert just blew this Achieva increase out of the water today! Even beating out EQ Bank too.

Probably why I haven't brought any of my $ over to Achieve in a while; mainly though because of Tangerine's longer promo rates lately.

August 2, 2018
2:32 pm
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moneyhelp said

This is great, but Hubert just blew this Achieva increase out of the water today! Even beating out EQ Bank too.  

Steinbach CU has been offering between 2.35 - 2.45% since the middle of July - Hubert's just now playing catch-up.

August 2, 2018
7:46 pm
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December 18, 2008
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Yeah but in fairness Hubert pays interest on the daily closing balance and paid monthly.

SCU pays on the lowest monthly balance (so the lowest on any one day on an entire month) and only pays on an annual basis.

That's why I'll stick with Hubert. Plus their US account is 0.75% which is pretty good.

August 2, 2018
9:36 pm
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Yeah no need to worry about daily balances at Hubert when they don't even offer Debit Cards to their clients, or a chequing account, or Interac e-transfer for that matter.

August 2, 2018
11:26 pm
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Top It Up said
Yeah no need to worry about daily balances at Hubert when they don't even offer Debit Cards to their clients, or a chequing account, or Interac e-transfer for that matter.  

Meh, no debit card, no biggy, at least for me, I just use their US account to park my USD funds, I don't use them for everyday banking. Would be nice if they offered e-transfer though, but again, no biggy.

August 3, 2018
11:31 am
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February 18, 2016
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Top It Up said
Yeah no need to worry about daily balances at Hubert when they don't even offer Debit Cards to their clients, or a chequing account, or Interac e-transfer for that matter.  

Who cares? Huber is just for pure saving. If you need all of that go to Tangerine or one of the big banks.
Debit card? What is is that? You mean you use live money to pay for something these days?
Chequing? Oh.. those nice printed toilet papers?

August 3, 2018
12:05 pm
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SavingIsGood said

Who cares?  

Nothing like big city slicker talk.

Know any other bricks & mortar FIs offering TOP HISA rates? Ever dealt with being an administrator of a testamentary trust, trying to get the highest return on the trust - Steinbach was the only one I could find that would allow a trust account to be set up ... and the trust requires distribution; cheques are needed.

I'm about as cashless as they come in everyday life BUT who needs a garage full of accounts when you can get the top rates and all the benefits at ONE full service shop.

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