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Accelerate: Unexpected Customer Service Surprise
September 4, 2012
1:27 pm
Forum Posts: 77
Member Since:
October 5, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I recently sent a deposit to Accelerate, along with a brief cover letter. As a matter of routine, I pumped out an envelope on the printer at the same time, without the presence of mind to recall that Accelerate had already provided us with a bunch of postage-paid return envelopes. I didn't really clue in, until I received a package of postage-paid return envelopes a week or so later from Accelerate.

I am really impressed with the fact that they even caught something as simple and insignificant as that!! But simple little things like that can make an enormous difference in their astute marketing program.

Anecdote: Although my primary bank is TD, I have a BMO Mastercard. I once signed up for a TD VISA account; and the only difference between the two, was that BMO always enclosed a return envelope with every billing; and TD VISA didn't. So I chucked the TD VISA account, and remained with my BMO Mastercard account; and only because BMO did something as simple as enclosing a return envelope; and TD didn't!

September 4, 2012
2:42 pm
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 4257
Member Since:
December 12, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Great story, Stan. It's worth noting AcceleRate's return envelopes are "postage paid" and I'm willing to bet the BMO one was just a blank envelope.

A similar story happened to me with Scotiabank and my SCENE Visa, they turned "off" the inclusion of payment envelopes but told me that you can turn it back "on" at any time through online banking and that worked great. :)


September 6, 2012
1:17 pm

I love the envelopes too, and when I ran out I called Debbie and she mailed me a handful more!

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